Industrial Hygiene Report: Results of Respirable Crystalline Silica Monitoring
April 30, 2024
BY Daniel Cortes
As part of our company wide efforts to prioritize worker safety, our organization recently partnered with Forensic Analytical Consulting Services to conduct an exposure monitoring assessment of crystalline silica at Valage Senior Living in Minden, NV., one of our site projects in which our team is currently working on drywall production.
The 8 hour assessment consisted of collecting employee air samples to determine the presence of quartz, cristobalite, and tridymite in the work environment. Results from this assessment indicate that employee exposure levels to these substances do not exceed regulatory exposure limits as designated by OSHA and CalOSHA. Based on assessment findings, use of respiratory protection by employees is not required during these work tasks as defined in this report, California Code of Regulations, Title 8 §1532.3, and OSHA Regulations 29 CFR 1910.1053
If you are interested in reading more about this report and its results, please click on this link.